About Our Herpes Simplex 1 & 2
Genital and oral herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus. The two types of this virus, 1 & 2, affect the oral and genital region. The infection is caused when the open sore of herpes on one person infects another through contact on a mucous membrane. Once you have herpes, there’s no known cure as of yet. However, outbreaks are usually benign and clear out of their own. Antiviral and herbal medicines can reduce outbreaks. When you get tested, you’re preventing the infection from being spread even further.
Test Contents
Oral and Genital Herpes test.
There are two type of herpes and can lead to different type of symptoms depending on the Herpes type: Oral and Genital
Itching around the mouth region
Itching around the genital region
Open sores around the mouth region
Open sores around the genital region
or fatigue
When To Check
Get tested if you notice any discernible symptoms or if you think you have been exposed to someone with herpes.
How to test
Order Your Test
Choose the test you want to take to know your body better. Then, order your tests online.
Visit A Local Lab
With 2000+ locations, you’ll find a lab near you, easy. Bring your order number to the lab and get tested.
Get Your Result
Download your results from your secure online portal.